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MESMER Program

What is MESMER Program?

MESMER is a 5-year program launched in October 2022 to support 72,200 enterprises and 410,800 jobs by creating access to finance for micro, small and medium enterprises to realize their growth prospects and resilience. MESMER will also work to provide support to enterprises through business development support, psychosocial services, and technical assistance to financial institutions. MESMER is a countrywide program implemented by First Consult in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation as part of the Foundation’s Young Africa Works strategy and will strive to create dignified and fulfilling work for the youth, the majority of them women. The FDRE Ministry of Labour and Skills is the main government counterpart for the program. Other partners include financial institutions (banks, microfinance institutions, and digital financial service providers), BDS, and psychosocial support providers.



For startups and MSMEs to support their growth, resillience and sustainable access



For informal enterprises in conflict affected areas to support their recovery and resilience


Business Development Service

To enhance MSMEs' bankability, capability and growth.


Psychosocial Service

To support psychological and mental readiness, recover from shocks and re-engage in businesses


Technical Assistance

For financial institutions to ensure delivery of responsive, innovative and diversified financial services to MSMEs at scale

5 yrsProgram

Building on this sucess, the Mastercard Foundation and First Consult present to you . . .


. . . the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Recovery and Resilience Program

Program Governance

MESMER program is governed by three layers: the advisory council, national investment committee, and regional investment committee. 

  • Advisory Council

    This is the highest governance body for the program tasked with providing strategic oversight, guidance as well as high-level representations of the program.

  • National Investment Committee

    is responsible for ensuring that the program achieves its ultimate objective of helping enterprises achieve recovery, resilience, and growth. The national investment committee will oversee the MESMER program implementation.

  • Regional Investment Committee

    is expected to facilitate, provide guidance and monitor implementation in the regions. Based on direction from the Advisory Council, the RIC may be formed in all regions as required.

Partnering Financial Institutions

The program’s partner banks administer the credit funds and extend lending services to participant enterprises selected by the program. With guidance from First Consult, and by mobilizing their branch network, the banks will help enterprises apply for the credit, undertake credit appraisal of pre-screened enterprises, and disburse the credit for approved enterprises. The banks will also ensure program’s reach in rural areas by partnering with microfinance institutions.


This facility is supported by three stakeholders each with a distinct role in facilitating the process.

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Pathway to bankability and growth

MESMER supports enterprises by providing access to finance, business development, and psychosocial services to help them recover from shocks and grow.

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